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First home mortgages

Guarantee Fund for 650 million

Active the Guarantee Fund for the first home of the Ministry of Economy is in fact ready form for bank access facilitation provided by the Inter-Ministerial Decree 31/07/2014 published in Journal 29 September 2014 aimed at encouraging the provision the credit for the purchase of a first home. This was announced by the MEF with a press release. In order to facilitate access to credit by households to purchase and the energy efficiency of the dwelling house, the Stability Law 2014 (Law 27 December 2013, n. 147, Art. 1, paragraph 48, letter . c), she established at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Guarantee Fund for loans for first home. The goal is to facilitate the provision of credit for the purchase of a first home through the grant of a State guarantee up to 50% of the principal amount of the loan requested. The Fund is aimed at providing guarantees to a maximum of 50 percent of the principal amount of mortgage loans, for an amount not exceeding 250 thousand euro, for the purchase (ie purchase with restructuring and increase energy efficiency) of real estate, not luxury, to be used as a main residence of the borrower.