Who faces a restructuring may experience negative experiences daughters often works proposed in prices totally out of business or practiced by small craftsman handyman that is organized with a friend who then brings another friend (etc ...) without any structure, often "in black "so not suitable to provide a valid certification of the work done, or the supervisor unscrupulous attracts with the lure of cheap and then adjusts all during the work pushing up the amount considerably, or who promises delivery for a date and then postpones all months with the excuse of delays by the subcontractors. These are cases that are not edifying that cast a shadow on the category of construction companies, even on those who carry out the activities seriously and that are on the market for decades.
Small or large they are all the renovations are done by us with equal attention and meticulous and very clearly about costs and the type of jobs that are going to achieve.
Our strengths? The undoubted quality of work, the diligence it running certified and refined by decades of business, having to deal with a single contact for all phases carried out by direct labor inside: from design with all its bureaucracy (drafting and presentation project, obtaining all permits, completion of work, certification) to the individual processes (structures of reinforced concrete and masonry, roofing, coats, masonry, tiling, plastering, painting, civil electrical installations and industrial plants hydro-thermo-sanitary and solar air-conditioning, anti-intrusion systems and CCTV systems, telephone and TV-SAT) until the custom furniture and, in the case of works of outdoor furniture and gardening.
Have nothing to do with subcontracting results in savings in terms of execution time and cost, not having to rely on more companies they must coordinate with each other but to a single running around with their professionals and workers. We can perform full or partial interventions on both the single property (apartments, villas etc ...) both on entire buildings, always with the highest quality in the work and the most complete harmony with the customer.