Restructure with us

Restructuring may cause negative experiences often daughters of unscrupulous contractors attracting with the lure of cheap prices then adjusted during the work considerably pushing up costs, of those who promise the delivery for a date and then postpones all of months with the excuse of delays by the subcontractorsworks, or of the small craftsman organized with a friend who then brings another friend (etc ...), devoid of any structure, often "in black ", and unable to provide a valid certification of the work done.

All this casts a shadow on the category of construction companies, even on those who carry out the task seriously and that are on the market for decades.

Small or large, all the renovations are done by us with equal attention and meticulous and very clearly about costs and types of jobs that are going to achieve.

Our strengths? The undoubted quality of work, the thoroughness in doing certified and improved by decades of activity, having a single contactor for all phases: from design and project with all its bureaucracy (drafting and presentation, obtaining all permits, certifications ...) to the individual processes ( concrete reinforced structures, masonry, roofing, thermal coats, tiling, plastering, painting, electrical installations, hydro-thermo-sanitary, solar and air conditioning plants, anti-intrusion and CCTV systems, telephone and TV-SAT), until the custom furniture and, iif requested, outdoor furniture and gardening.


  • Modus Operandi
  • Kind of works
  • Furnishing
  • Engeneering









The first step is to visit the property to restructure for understanding needs, tastes and style you want. Follows the relief of the "status quo" with the evaluation (together) of the necessary works, the recommended ones and the unnecessaries to give an idea of a first and summary amount of costs. This leads to realize the first project outline, necessary to see if it meets your tastes. Choosing the solution you prefer, we carry on with finale project and analytical summary indicating the cost of all individual items. We always indicate what are the processes and appropriate materials, but you are always free to choose which items to enter and what not to realize in order to adjust the costs to the target budget. We provide to complete the work with rendering.

Custom Fornitures are provided by our specific company OPUS













De Dominicis Engeneering Study has been existing from the 60s of last century, founded by Ing. Nando De Dominicis.

Today is held by Eng. Alessandro De Dominicis (son of the founder) that deals directly and coordinates all project activity.

It supports the varied needs of the group as well as the customer's ones.

© De Dominicis Edilizia 2012
webmaster: Lord Of Foxes